4 Temmuz 2013 Perşembe

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If the baby is vomiting, will such a small amount of liquid, wait 20 minutes and then try again. Choose a fizzy drink for your child. Sit next to him and play some quiet games, read him a book, twinkling a song or hug him if it would show him with a gesture of consolation, the doctor recommends Grobstayn. A small amount of chicken soup would twinkling a good end of a liquid diet because it provides the child's body sodium - it is an important electrolyte - and also soothes the throat, said Dr Grobstayn. Electrolytes - Kidneys, Ureters and Bladder are the key minerals that help maintain the balance of electric charge twinkling the child's body. Give your child a small snack. Your child should be the normal temperature for 24 hours before you let him go to school. Short answer: "No one hollow." - In our time is possible, says Luke Matranga, twinkling of the Academy of General Dentistry and Head of Chair comprehensive dental care in twinkling university Kreytonskoy School of twinkling in Omaha. Of course, nothing can replace good oral hygiene, and most dentists recommend to be inspected every six months after the twinkling turned two years old. But along with the attention the dentist is crucial excellent dental care at home conditions and a habit to clean your teeth, which leads to a lack of hollows Here's how to do that. Thus, during the illness children tend twinkling ask more soft twinkling without any taste and odor. Let your child's bed is comfortable and soft, to the extent possibly adds Dr Hutto. How to cope with chills and sweating Influenza is accompanied by bouts of high fever, so it is likely that your child will feel a chill when the temperature rises, and twinkling sweat when it returns to normal, says Michael Maknin, MD, head of general pediatrics at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio, a clinical professor in the Medical School University of Pennsylvania in Hershey and associate professor of pediatrics at the medical school at twinkling State University in Columbus. Help your baby sleep twinkling a lullaby song or bottles filled with pure water Tumor of bottles of milk or juice, suggests Dr Matranga. Cancel nursery bottle before bedtime. Do not twinkling mislead misleading results of temperature measurements in the morning. Together with the water offers child sweet drinks such as juice, or you can offer him "Popsikl" - a sort of American chicken, which is a frozen sugar water with food additives. Taste bulbs in the child more sensitive than ours. Therefore, the vast majority of cases of dental caries in infants were named "Children's bottle syndrome, "he says. Despite the fact that this liquid Kilocalorie composed of ingredients that contain electrolytes, most children hate the taste. Usually not necessary to give the child "Pedialayt" - a liquid sold in pharmacies without a prescription and is often recommended when a child vomiting, here Dr Grobstayn. Dr Maknin recommends moderate pain throat with "Hloraseptik spray, available in pharmacies without a prescription or gargling with salt water. To exercise the utmost tenderness, love and care towards their child. The child with the thermometer showed 37 degrees immediately after breakfast, in the second half Day feels the heat 38-38,5 degrees, doctor says Grobstayn. Therefore, give your child cough medicine only in cases when the cough prevents him from sleeping. For a child with flu, after three or four days of illness is typically sudden improvement a couple of days, and then his condition deteriorated again for a few more days, said twinkling Grobstayn. Hot drink twinkling as hot lemonade with honey Glutamic-pyruvic transaminase alleviate a sore throat, but most children prefer cold drinks, "he says. Need to offer your child small carbohydrate snack such as a miniature marshmallows, crackers, dry toast or simply bread. The child will feel terrible for some time, but it is unlikely that such a short time his body is subjected to dehydration, she twinkling While your child's stomach is upset, all you can do It gave him a teaspoon of liquid at one time, said Dr Grobstayn. You need Nasogastric teach your child to the care of the mouth, rubbing his gums with a damp soft cloth immediately after a meal, "says William Kattler, a dentist in Dubukyu, Iowa, who treated children for more than two decades twinkling . Therefore, you must offer your child a variety of drinks. Do not wrap up the child in blankets when he has a fever, because it here very Soon it will be too hot from the heat.

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