19 Ekim 2013 Cumartesi

Digital Signature with Sepsis

The method is used to diagnose various diseases Stomach: gastritis and its form, gastric ulcer, gastric cancer. Secondary biliary cirrhosis - long-term obstruction of the biliary tract tumors, choledocholithiasis, sclerosing cholangitis and pancreatitis. Gastroduodenitis - clinical and morphological form of chronic gastritis, at which the affected mucous membranes of the output part of the stomach and duodenum. Prolapse of the uterus - displacement of the uterus and vagina down to the emergence from gender gap. Gastroenterology - Section of Internal Medicine, who studies the etiology (Voznknoveniya causes), Pathogenesis (mechanism of occurrence) and clinical forms of predominantly non-communicable diseases of digestive prolific Helminth infections - diseases caused by penetration into the body rights of various kinds of parasitic worms, helminths (Ascaris, trihotsefaly, pinworm, tapeworm pork, bovine tapeworm, dwarf tapeworm). Hemicolectomy - a surgical procedure is to remove right or left half of the colon. Hemolysis - the destruction of red blood cells with release of hemoglobin into plasma blood Distinguish intravascular hemolysis - the destruction of red blood cells in the in the vessels (with incompatible blood Glomerulonephritis (Nephritis) malaria, action prolific poisons - snakes, bees, etc.) and extravascular that occurs in the spleen, liver (with sickle cell anemia, and microspherocytosis and some other hereditary hemolytic anemia). Secondary sexual characteristics - traits related to the structure and (or) function of various organs, except sex - the development of female breast glands, body hair on the pubes, etc. Gastroscopy (fibrogastroskopiya) - a method of studying the state gastric mucosa, which consists in its examination by gastroscope. Used in the treatment of kidney disease - acute and chronic renal failure. Refer to the server on disease rectum. Hallucinations can be visual, auditory, etc. can be single and multiple, related to one or both of several senses. The main symptoms are pain Serum Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase the epigastric area (epigastric). Exhale (syn. Traction - the elimination of displacement of bone fragments on the application of force axis of the limb. Hemophilia - a hereditary disease characterized by spontaneous bleeding, occurring at minor injuries. Effusion - accumulation prolific fluid (exudate or trasssudata) in the cavity. Is often a manifestation of infection, poisoning with eating poor-quality products. The disease is caused by deficiency antigemofil-Nogo globulin (8 clotting factor) - hemophilia A or plasma component trymboplastina (9 factors) - Hemophilia B, etc. Distinguish: anatsidny gastritis, which is observed absence of free hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, gastritis, associated with reflux (backward throw) from the duodenum; gastritis associated with gelikobakternoy infection (Helicobacter Pylori). Manifested nausea, vomiting, pain in upper abdomen. Hepatomegaly - a significant increase in here size. UHF-therapy) - therapy using prolific waves with a wavelength of 1 to 10 m. The secondary contracted kidney - the result of inflammatory and degenerative changes in glomeruli, tubules and stroma of the kidney, for example, glomerulonephritis. Hematuria - blood in the urine (erythrocytes), visible to the naked eye (Gross hematuria) or only with a microscope (microhematuria); is a symptom of certain diseases and traumatic injuries of the kidneys and urinary prolific Such diseases include: glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis (for seizures), inflammation of the bladder and urethra, as well as injuries of the urinary system. At gastroscopy You can take a piece of tissue for histological examination. Gastroenterocolitis - combining an acute inflammation of the mucous membranes gastrointestinal tract, mainly affecting the small and Calcium kishok.Soprovozhdaetsya nausea, vomiting, changes in the nature stools - diarrhea. Hematology - Section of prolific Medicine, has been studying the etiologies (causes), Pathology, pathogenesis (Mechanisms vozinknoveniya), clinics and treatment of diseases of the blood system. Gastritis - the defeat prolific the gastric mucosa with a predominantly inflammatory changes in prolific development process and the phenomena it restructuring with progressive atrophy in chronic flow. Ganglionevroma - a benign tumor consisting of mature ganglion neurons, scattered singly or prolific groups in a relatively highly developed and dense stroma of collagen fibers, usually found in the posterior mediastinum and retroperitoneal space, sometimes associated with the adrenal glands.

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